Narrating the correlation of elephants as related to their import, groupings, breeding and transfers,
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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Elizabeth. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, December 20, 2013

St. Louis Zoo - Eleanor

The story starts in 1955, with eight elephants imported by Louis Goebel and purchased by Anheuser Busch for the St. Louis Zoo. The new animals were to be trained by Floyd Smith and presented to the public in daily shows, a testament to the Polack act trained by Mac MacDonald. Within five years, three of the group were sold. The first, Eleanor, was sold to the Weed Park Zoo in Muscatine, Iowa, in September 1959.
OpLink - History review (original record card / ks)
0/8 purchased from Louis Goebel Wild Animal Farm ($3,500 ea. price plus insurance, $28,000 total) with funds donated by Anheuser-Busch Charitable Trust. 0/4 arrived at Goebel in May 1954 and another 0/4 in October 1954, where they remained for training by Zoo elephant trainer, Floyd Smith, until being trucked to the Zoo by Anheuser-Busch.

Postcard 4, St Louis Zoo
Postcard Courtesy of S Hoss

Monday, May 23, 2011

Jim Stockley Collection - Cleopatra

Jim Stockley of South Africa has been kind enough to share with ShowMe Elephants his collection of photographs documenting the Chipperfield Circus and family history with elephants.

The following photograph was taken in Rome in 1963 during the filming of the movie 'Cleopatra' with Elizabeth Taylor.

"Chipperfields after 1945 - Louise leading elephant "Mary" in Rome on the set of Cleopatra"
Courtesy of J Stockley

Stockley Trained Animal Consultants CC