Narrating the correlation of elephants as related to their import, groupings, breeding and transfers,
along with other elephant related topics.
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Texas. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Texas. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Portland Zoo - Droopy

From Wade Burck's "Circus No-Spin Zone:"

Sunday, May 1, 2011
Elephant calf being fed at the vet school - 1968
I am assuming this is Portland Zoo's Droopy born Sept. 29, 1968, and died Oct. 4, 1968.
Posted by Wade G. Burck

Droopy was the seventh calf born to the Portland Zoo's breeding herd of Asian elephants, sired by Thonglaw and born to first time mother Effie. The female calf only survived for five days before her death.

Droopy's dam Effie was listed in previous versions of the North American Regional Studbook for the Asian Elephant as "Lost to Follow-up" and differentiated as two separate elephants. This is in part due to a name change from 'Effie' to 'Sue.' An incorrect arrival date to Busch Gardens Tampa from the Portland Zoo precedes Effie's "Lost to Follow-up" status. The second entry for this same animal lists the correct date for Sue's arrival to Busch Gardens Tampa from an unknown location and her death in June 1985. Sue is listed with Temporary Studbook Number T1368. The 2010 Edition of the studbook merges these two animals. After her purchase by Busch Gardens, Effie was relocated to Texas a year prior to Busch Gardens Houston's May 1971 opening. The park closed less than two years later, prompting her transfer to the Tampa facility with three other female Asian elephants, Kaba, Tina and Mem. All four elephants remained in Florida until their deaths except Tina, still living and one of five members in the park's herd.

At Busch Gardens Tampa, Ellie resided with another elephant from the Portland Zoo breeding program. Emma (also listed as M&M) was born into Portland's Asian elephant herd in October 1973, sired by Vance and the fourth calf for dam Rosy. Within a year of her successful birth, Emma was sold to the San Jose Zoo. This transaction perhaps took place as brokered by Texas facility Vivo Animales. The 2010 Edition of the studbook adds this location in her history between Oregon and California. More information is sought regarding this location in Lorena, Texas.

A reference has been found regarding a fire at a zoo in San Jose that killed an elephant calf in the 1970s. More information is sought regarding this animal, unlisted in the studbook.

Emma / M&M reveals another update in the 2010 Edition of the North American Regional Studbook for the Asian Elephants. Previous versions list her with an alternate name 'Satchmo.' The 2010 Update adds Satchmo as a new elephant, SB 698, a year old male Asian elephant first arriving to Vivo Animales and transferred to Busch Gardens Tampa in July 1975 with Emma. He died the following month.

Droopy, Asian Female, SB 55
29 Sep 1968 - Birth, Portland Zoo, Portland, Oregon
04 Oct 1968 - Death, Portland Zoo, Portland, Oregon

Effie (Sue), Asian Female, SB 54
1950 - Birth, Asia
1951 - Oakland Zoo, Oakland, California
11 Aug 1966 - Portland Zoo, Portland, Oregon
05 Mar 1970 - Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida
05 Jun 1970 - Busch Gardens, Houston, Texas
23 Jan 1973 - Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida
01 Jun 1985 - Death, Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida

Emma (M&M), Asian Female, SB 63
31 Oct 1973 - Birth, Porltand Zoo, Portland, Oregon
Unk - Vivo Animales, Loreana, Texas
~1974 - San Jose Zoo, San Jose, California
22 Jul 1975 - Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida
26 Oct 1986 - Death, Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida

Satchmo, Asian Male, SB 698
1974 - Birth, Asia
~1974 - Vivo Animales, Loreana, Texas
22 Jul 1975 - Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida
30 Aug 1975 - Death, Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Studbook Mysteries - Firma Ruhe I

The large animal trade company Firma Ruhe was founded in Germany by Ludwig (Louie) Ruhe in 1880. After a large increase in business following Carl Hagenbeck's construction of a new zoo, Ruhe would go on to expand with three generations of his family operating animal trading posts worldwide. Offices in London and the Ruhe Animal Farm in New York helped to supply hundreds of elephants to zoos and circuses in Europe and America.

This location is listed in the North American Regional Studbook for the Asian Elephant simply as 'L RUHE.' The address is described in Alfeld/leine, Germany. There is no differentiation between the three offices of Ruhe, possibly leading to confusion and inaccuracies regarding elephant locations.

One source names the New York location as Louis Ruhe Wild Animal Farm in Woodside, Long Island.

Mary and Mona
There are several lapses of information in the North American Regional Studbook regarding Mary and Mona, but it is apparent the pair of female Asian elephants resided together from birth in the early 1940s until their deaths in 1975.

Born in Sri Lanka between 1941-1942, Mary and Mona arrived together to the Detroit Zoo in July 1947. They resided at the zoo in Michigan for an unknown period of time before the Studbook states they were transferred to the animal trade company Firma Ruhe in Germany. However, the company operated two local offices, one in London and a second in New York, where the animals may have been transported as opposed to overseas.

In October 1974, 27 years after arriving in Detroit, the pair of elephants arrived again at a location in Michigan - King Animaland Park in Richmond. This park, operated by circus owner Walt King, covered 40 acres and held animals and amusements in springtime that King leased out to shows for the fall and winter. The Studbook states Mary and Mona resided at the park located north of Detroit until their deaths the following year, approximately seven months later.

Mary and Mona at the Detroit Zoo - Zoo Guide 1940s
Photo Courtesy of

A female Asian elephant born in Burma in 1938, Penny was imported to the Fort Worth Zoo in August 1940. For an unknown period of time, the animal resided at the zoo in Texas until the North American Regional Studbook for the Asian Elephant states she was transferred to Firma Ruhe. The documentation never gives an arrival back to Fort Worth, but lists the 23 year old elephant’s death at her premier institution in August 1961.

According to a news article published in 2009 commemorating the Fort Worth Zoo’s 100 year anniversary, Penny was purchased as a second elephant through money collected as donations from zoo visitors.

Mary, Asian Female, SB 577
1941 - Birth, Sri Lanka
24 Jul 1947 - Detroit Zoo (Belle Isle), Belle Isle, Michigan
??? - L RUHE
22 Oct 1974 - King Animaland Park, Richmond, Michigan
~Apr 1975 - Death, King Animaland Park, Richmond, Michigan

Mona, Asian Female, SB 578
1941 - Birth, Sri Lanka
24 Jul 1947 - Detroit Zoo (Belle Isle), Belle Isle, Michigan
??? - L RUHE
22 Oct 1974 - King Animaland Park, Richmond, Michigan
~Apr 1975 - Death, King Animaland Park, Richmond, Michigan

Penny, Asian Female, SB 574
~Apr 1938 - Birth, Burma
14 Aug 1940 - Fort Worth Zoo, Fort Worth, Texas
??? - L RUHE
12 Aug 1961 - Death, Fort Worth Zoo, Fort Worth, Texas

For Additional Information
>> Firma Ruhe (Tierhandelsfirma Ruhe) at

>> "The Animals and Their Trainers,"

>> "Bring 'Em Back Alive,", 03/25/1946

>> "King's Animaland Park," Circus Report,, 02/23/1976

>> "Fort Worth Zoo celebrates 100 years of wild history,", 08/10/2009

>> "Elephants of the Detroit Zoo" at ZooChat

>> "Elephants of King Animaland Park" at ZooChat

>> "Elephants of the Fort Worth Zoo" at ZooChat

UPDATED 04/18/2011, "Studbook Mysteries - Belle Isle Zoo" at ShowMe Elephants

Friday, December 20, 2013

St. Louis Zoo - Eleanor

The story starts in 1955, with eight elephants imported by Louis Goebel and purchased by Anheuser Busch for the St. Louis Zoo. The new animals were to be trained by Floyd Smith and presented to the public in daily shows, a testament to the Polack act trained by Mac MacDonald. Within five years, three of the group were sold. The first, Eleanor, was sold to the Weed Park Zoo in Muscatine, Iowa, in September 1959.
OpLink - History review (original record card / ks)
0/8 purchased from Louis Goebel Wild Animal Farm ($3,500 ea. price plus insurance, $28,000 total) with funds donated by Anheuser-Busch Charitable Trust. 0/4 arrived at Goebel in May 1954 and another 0/4 in October 1954, where they remained for training by Zoo elephant trainer, Floyd Smith, until being trucked to the Zoo by Anheuser-Busch.

Postcard 4, St Louis Zoo
Postcard Courtesy of S Hoss

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Moolah Shrine Circus 1990?

An assortment of photos of circuses performing in St. Louis have been found in my father's collection. Unfortunately, most are unlabeled and they all are mixed up. An effort is underway to sort the photographs and identify the herds and handlers. St. Louis, Missouri, is the hometown of ShowMe Elephants. It has been fun identifying these sets.

Moolah Shrine Circus, St. Louis
Photo Courtesy of M Easley

Friday, April 13, 2012

Dallas Zoo - Stumpy

The Dallas Zoo announced the death of one of the five oldest African elephants in the country, 47 year old Stumpy. Stumpy arrived with companion Mama in 2010 for the Dallas Zoo's new Giants of the Savannah exhibit.

Stumpy and Mama, Dallas Zoo
Courtesy of The Dallas Zoo on Facebook

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Elephantastic! A Century of Pachydermic Pageantry

Clocking in at just under two full hours, this magnificent collection of all things pachyderm contains 28 different elephant acts (some partial and many complete), in addition to several additional accompanying vignettes filmed on various shows around the world. Among those featured in performance are trainers DANIEL SUSKOV working the Tarzan Zerbini elephants (1990) - OSCAR and MARIAN CRISTIANI, filmed in 1969 on Rudy Bros. Circus, in Honolulu - CHICO WILLIAMS and DELILAH WOODCOCK with “TOTO” the elephant, as captured on New York’s famous Big Apple Circus (1984) - KAYE'S HOLLYWOOD ELEPHANTS with Judy Kaye, also shot in Hawaii with the E.K. Fernandez Circus - BOBBY and ROSA GIBBS at Baraboo’s Circus World Museum in the mid-1970's - JEAN SCHMITT with the Ringling Barnum Circus World herd (Orlando, FL) - PHIL and FRANCINE SCACHT with “DONDI” from a Chicagoland TV special (1986); REX and AVA WILLIAMS with the Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. elephants on the 1967 TV show, "Coliseum" - BUCKLES and BARBARA WOODCOCK working the RBBB herd in 1978 - JENDE SMAHA with “Bertha” and “Tina” from a rare Hollywood Palace kinescope, and several others.

A number of global offerings are included, as well, such as KENNY BENNEWEIS and Denmark’s renowned Circus Benneweis elephants (1992) – the CEASAR TOGNI elephants, from a 1960's episode of Don Ameche's "Int'l Showtime" - MARY CHIPPERFIELD working a single elephant with a canine sidekick - BOBBY ROBERTS and the Robert Bros. Circus elephants from England, and so on.

An extreme rarity, also featured in this already top-heavy program, is a wonderful piece of vintage 16mm film showing MACK and PEGGY MacDONALD training the legendary Polack Bros. Circus “Beasalou Elephants” at their home, in San Antonio, Texas, in 1963. No spangles or make-up here: just fascinating, intimate footage never before seen, shot nearly fifty years ago. There is even a short clip of Mack and Peggy working with TOMMY HANNEFORD and baby “INA,” also in Texas.

ELEPHANTASTIC! is a compilation of privately shot 8mm, Super 8mm, and 16mm films, some of which date way back (i.e: a 1908 film of "Jumbo" the elephant, working on a vaudeville stage in Chicago), videotapes, and vintage television appearances from the U.S., Mexico, and Europe. Never before has there been such a comprehensive collection of outstanding, one-of-a-kind elephant footage offered! Break out the peanuts, sit back, and wrap yourself up in trunk-loads of tantalizing tricks!

This new compilation produced by Timothy N Tegge can be ordered online at for $19.95. A check or money order may also be sent to P.O. Box 661 - Baraboo, WI 53913. Make them out to either Circus Time video or Timothy Tegge. If you cannot see this for sale on the site yet, check back! This is a brand new release and should be available for viewing by Monday, December 13.

Additional information can also be found at and Buckles Web Log.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Studbook Mysteries - Seabury

From Wade Burck's "Circus No-Spin Zone:"

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Vintage Brookfield Zoo Elephants
The photo above is from 1953, elephant unknown, at the Brookfield Childrens Zoo. It is incredible today to think that they used to keep and raise the young elephants in the Children's Zoo. Does anyone know if they actually kept the elephants at the Childrens Zoo, or did the bring them back and forth from the elephant house each morning and night. The sand/dirt walkway around the pen was most likely a path as the animals probably paced along the fence and it prevented the grass from tearing up, and becoming unsightly.
Posted by Wade G. Burck

Susan said...
Based on records I'm guessing this is Melinda, wild born in 1951 and came to Brookfield from Seabury in 1952. She died in October of '53.
Apparently from spring till fall we would keep young elephants at the Children's Zoo - they would return to the Pachyderm House during the winter months. Over the years we had several calves at the Children's Zoo - Winkie, Mame, Babe/Baby Brookfield, Cora/Noel (who lives at the CEC)... There are probably others but record keeping was practically nonexistent back then.
If you look on eBay there are usually postcards of elephants at the Children's Zoo. To the best of my knowledge we did this up until the '70s.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

African Elephants of Carson & Barnes Circus

The Carson and Barnes Circus, more famously known for its large herd of Asian elephants in the 1970s and 1980s, also featured numerous African elephants in their wild animal menagerie - 7 total it seems, acquired in three different groups.

Carson & Barnes Circus 1980s
Courtesy of B. Cline, Buckles Blog

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Studbook Mysteries - Ruth/Kenna

Six Flags Wild Safari and Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey, celebrated their first and only elephant birth in November 1981. The calf was sired by Rip, the last of six imported males still residing at the park. Her mother was Tanya, one of four female African elephants purchased from Hemmingford Parc Safari in Canada to join a number of other females imported with the six males from the Chipperfield organization in Uganda, Africa.

When the calf was two years old, Kenna was sold to the Lion Country Safari location in Grand Prairie, Texas, a location known for distributing and dealing a high number of African elephants throughout the 1980s. It was here that Kenna's identity was temporarily lost, renamed Ruth when purchased by elephant owner, operator and consultant Don Meyer of Jo-Don Farms.

Ruth and other elephants of both species were leased as ride elephants to many different locations while owned by Jo-Don Farms. In late October 1998, Meyer sold his last two elephants, Ruth and Luella, to Brownsville's Gladys Porter Zoo in Texas. Luella died 12 years later relating to a cardiovascular viral infection, leaving the zoo with only two elephants - Ruth and their formerly successful breeding bull, Macho. After Macho's death in March 2005, the Brownsville zoo was left with a decision to acquire more elephants and expand their facility in compliance with recommendations from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums or relocate their single elephant and close their exhibit permanently.

Less than two years later, Ruth was transferred to the Milwaukee County Zoo in Wisconsin, becoming a companion animal for the northern zoo's single elephant Brittany. Three months prior, 49 year old Lucy had passed away, leaving Milwaukee in the same dilemma as the Gladys Porter Zoo. With the acquisition of Ruth, the Milwaukee County Zoo continued their elephant exhibit, while that of the Gladys Porter Zoo was permanently closed.

Brittany and Ruth at the Milwaukee County Zoo
Photo Courtesy of Danielle Faucett

Studbook Mystery

In the 2000 & 2003 editions of the studbook, elephant #168 has the following information listed:

Ruth, African Female, SB #168
1979 - Born Africa
1980 - Capture
1981 - Grand Prairie
31 Oct 1985 - Oak Creek
Jun 1986 - Minnesota
01 Nov 1987 - Rio Grande
25 Feb 1988 - Oak Creek
05 Mar 1988 - Lowry
31 Oct 1990 - Oak Creek
25 Oct 1998 - Brownsville
- Elephant is named as Ruth at all locations.

In the 2000 & 2003 editions of the studbook, elephant #209 has the following information listed:

Kenna, African Female, SB #209
02 Nov 1981 - Born Jacks Twp to 88 & 58
1984 - Ferndale
- Elephant is named as Kenna at both locations; Lost to Follow-up


In the 2008 edition of the studbook, elephant #168 has the following information listed:

Kenna/Ruth, African Female, SB #168
02 Nov 1981 - Born Jacks Twp to 88 & 58
12 Dec 1983 - Grand Prairie
31 Oct 1985 - Oak Creek
25 Oct 1998 - Brownsville
14 Dec 2006 - Milwaukee
Elephant is named Kenna at Jacks Twp & Grand Prairie, renamed Ruth at Oak Creek and proceeding locations.

In the 2000 & 2003 editions of the studbook, elephant #209 is not listed, as it only consists of living elephants.


The question arises, were these elephants two different individuals? Were they merged because of a previous error? If they are the same elephant, what is the reasoning for the omissions between Grand Prairie and Brownsville (except Oak Creek) in the 2008 edition? Any help and insight would be greatly appreciated. Please disregard the elephant database in this matter, as it has been updated from both scenarios and is incorrect at this point in time. Ryan

//"Ruth/Kenna, Six Flags/Milwaukee," Elephant Gossip on Facebook, 12/09/2008

Studbook Mystery - Solved

From 1985 to 1998 Ruth was owned by the same company, Jo-Don Farms. She was a ride elephant that went to all those locations temporarily. In Brownsville, DNA testing was done on her which indicated that she was in fact Kenna. I was told they believe the mistake occurred while she was owned by Grand Prairie? They were an animal broker. Luella went to Brownsville with Ruth, who is now dead. As far as I know, Ruth is the only former JD elephant thats actually still alive.

//Danielle Faucett, 01/26/2009

For Additional Information:
>> "Brownsville zoo sending Ruth the elephant to Milwaukee,", 12/06/2006

>> "New African Elephant Now on Exhibit at the Milwaukee County Zoo,", 12/15/2006

>> "Ruth/Kenna, Six Flags/Milwaukee," Elephant Gossip on Facebook, 12/09/2008

>> Milwaukee County Zoo at

>> Gladys Porter Zoo at

>> Jo-Don Farms at

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Your Author

Ryan Easley and 'Bo'
24 year old Asian bull elephant
Presented by Larry Carden
El Mina Shrine Circus
Produced by Bret Carden
Beaumont, Texas
November 2010

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Wildlife Safari imports 1979

Wildlife Safari's Spring Newsletter discusses the arrival of African elephants to the Oregon drive-through in the 1970s.

With gratitude to Jesse Golden for sharing, "Wild Times," the newsletter for members of the Wildlife Safari, discusses the beginnings of said park thanks to naturalist and businessman Frank Hart.

In 1972 Frank was able to convince his employer, Walker and Lee, to develop 600 acres in Winston, Oregon. The site was ideal for a large reserve that could display animals from around the world in a natural setting. With rolling hills abundant in foliage and water resources closely resembling African and Asian terrain, a large variety of animal life could be supported. Wildlife Safari opened the next year.

Courtesy of Wild Times, Spring 2013

Sunday, July 3, 2011

John Romo Collection - Gladys Porter Zoo

John Romo has graciously allowed ShowMe Elephants to share some of his many photographs documenting elephants in captivity around the world. The first set of pictures were taken at the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, Texas, about June 1983.

Macho, Gladys Porter Zoo, summer 1983
Courtesy of J Romo

Monday, July 22, 2013

Moolah Shrine Circus 1988

An assortment of photos of circuses performing in St. Louis have been found in my father's collection. Unfortunately, most are unlabeled and they all are mixed up. An effort is underway to sort the photographs and identify the herds and handlers. St. Louis, Missouri, is the hometown of ShowMe Elephants. I look forward to beginning these sets.

Moolah Shrine Circus, St. Louis, 1988
Photo Courtesy of M Easley

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Photographs from the Son - Knoxville Zoo

The following photographs were taken in October 2009 at the Knoxville Zoo in Tennessee. In continuance with the previous two series of photographs, the only animal remaining from the mid-1990s is the bull Tonka. The other animals pictured in past posts had been relocated or died at the institution. Two additional females were added to the zoo's collection with the intentions of breeding under the North American SSP. Jana arrived from the Louisville Zoo in 1998 and Edie from a private owner in Texas in 2002.

Edie, Knoxville Zoo, October 2009
Courtesy of R Easley

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

St. Louis Zoo / Audubon Zoo

A fascinating news clip in an August 1977 Circus Report documents the transfer of two elephants from New Orlean's Audubon Park Zoo to the St. Louis Zoo.

Circus Report 08/22/1977, p. 13

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Ringling Blue Unit 1987 - Elephants II

The following photographs were taken in August 1987 in Dallas, Texas, of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus (Blue Unit).

Courtesy of M Easley

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Endangered Ark Foundation - Breeding Program

The Carson & Barnes Circus and Endangered Ark Foundation recently celebrated the first birthday of their elephant herd's youngest member, Hugo! The product of natural breeding between 20 year old Tommy and 42 year old Whimpy, his addition brings the total number of males for the facility to four.

Hugo, 08/2011
Courtesy of Carson & Barnes Circus on Facebook

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mike Cecere / David Meeks / Arthur Jones

Circus Report 01/27/1986, p. 25

A January 1987 Circus Report lists animal trainer Mike Cecere with 12 elephants in New Jersey - an Asian female, three African males and 8 African females.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Ringling Blue Unit 1987 - Elephants I

The following photographs were taken in August 1987 in Dallas, Texas, of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus (Blue Unit).

Courtesy of M Easley

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bill Prickett Collection - Allan C. Hill's Great American Circus

"Irene" and Mike Rice, Pekin, IL, 4-24-94"
Courtesy of B Prickett