Narrating the correlation of elephants as related to their import, groupings, breeding and transfers,
along with other elephant related topics.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Amusement Business 1969 - Walt King

This clipping is second in a series of articles and adds included in a 1969 issue of "Amusement Business: A Billboard Publication," published on May 31.

As listed in "Performers by the Ton," the first elephant census published by Amusement Business and found in the same article as the Walt King advertisement, King Amusements of Richmond, Michigan, owned Tulsa, Wanda and Queenie. The three are listed with trainer Walt King.

1 comment:

  1. I saw Queenie and Wanda in 1967 in Drayton Plains Michigan in the SS Kresges parking lot. I was 2 years old and my mom said I got to ride on Queenie. My love for elephants started that day. I have 2 photos of them. I think about them often, are they still alive?


I eagerly anticipate associating with new individuals with an interest or history in elephants, elephant history and elephant record keeping. If you have further information regarding the animals or locations questioned in the article, please leave a comment or message me in an effort to complete their records for elephant historians.