Narrating the correlation of elephants as related to their import, groupings, breeding and transfers,
along with other elephant related topics.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Bill Prickett Collection - Moolah Shrine Circus

Spent an enjoyable Sunday afternoon in St. Charles, Mo. visiting the Royal Hanneford production for the Moolah Shrine. Mark Rethemeyer, Circus Dir. said that attendance at all the scheduled shows had been good and nothing but favorable comments from the patrons. //Bill Prickett, 04/03/2012

"Nina and Viola, elephant rides, 04-01-12"
Courtesy of B Prickett

"Program cover"
Courtesy of B Prickett

Elephants were Viola, Kelly and Neena, leased from Carson and Barnes Circus and presented by Louie and Tabatha Del Moral.

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff you got here!!! I love it...Got a lot to catch up on! I love my elephants and stories about them..someday,I am going to write that book!!


I eagerly anticipate associating with new individuals with an interest or history in elephants, elephant history and elephant record keeping. If you have further information regarding the animals or locations questioned in the article, please leave a comment or message me in an effort to complete their records for elephant historians.