"Everybody loves the elephants. Here's the Al G. Barnes Circus elephant boss Sydney Rink in 1914 with some of his charges." //CHS on Facebook
"Sidney Rink was Tim Buckley's assistant on the Barnes Show 1911-12 and boss elephant man 1913-19. These are Al G. Barnes first four elephants about 1913 "Ruth", "Babe", "Jewel" and "Pearl"." //Buckles Woodcock
"Great information, as little could have been more important to Barnes at the time than his first 4 elephants. 1911 is also the year Al. G. met up with a highly ambitious carny dancer destined to become his Tiger Queen, Mabel Stark." //Roger Smith
For Additional Information:
>> "Sidney Rink, Al. G. Barnes," Buckles Web Log, 10/16/2008
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