Family photo from Blijdorp Zoo in Rotterdam, 08/2004
Courtesy of Lillian Berthung
Courtesy of Lillian Berthung
Elephant historian Peter Stolk recently announced via Elephant Gossip the pregnancy of nine year old Trong Nhi, who was captive born herself at the Netherlands zoo to parents Alexander and Douanita in May 2003. The pregnancy is a result of natural breeding with Rotterdam's 14 year old male Timber, born himself at the facility in February 1998 to parents Ramon and Khaing Phyo Phyo. Timber made several transfers around Europe, to England and then Spain, before returning to his home facility five years ago in 2007. He sired his first calf to mother Banoka in July 2010. This young female named Faya is third generation captive born via both her sire and dam.

Family Pedigree of Rotterdam Zoo's Faya, 08/2004
Courtesy of Elephant.se
Courtesy of Elephant.se
The Rotterdam Zoo's Rob Belterman is keeper of the Europe Regional EAZA/EEP Asian Elephant Studbook, an invaluable resource for elephant historians and record keepers. ShowMe Elephants is privileged to play a role in assisting with corrections and updated records for this living document.
I created ShowMe Elephants with the intention of publishing my research on groups of elephants in zoos, circuses and the private sector related through their import, groupings and transfers.
The ultimate goal is the most complete and comprehensive records possible to synchronize records and collaborate with Elephant.se, the North American Regional Studbooks for both the African and Asian elephants, and synchronizing records with other facilities, enthusiasts and elephant researchers. //R Easley
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